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Manual and Automation Testing

Manual testing involves testers checking the app by hand to find problems and ensure everything works well for users. It’s useful for catching issues that require human intuition and detailed feedback. On the other hand, automation testing uses tools to run tests automatically, which saves time and ensures consistent results. It’s ideal for repetitive tasks, performance checks, and rapid feedback during development. Combining both methods provides a thorough approach to quality assurance, addressing both nuanced user experiences and efficient, scalable testing processes.

Web Application Testing Checklist

Web testing checks your application for bugs before going live, focusing on security, functionality, user access, and traffic management.


Types of Web App Testing


Evaluates features and behavior to ensure they match specifications, focusing on:

  • Outgoing, Internal, Anchor, and Mailto Links: Ensure all types of links work as expected.
  • Interactive Elements: Check that buttons, forms, and menus function correctly.
  • Workflow and Navigation: Confirm users can navigate the site and complete tasks smoothly.
  • User Input and Validation: Verify forms handle data correctly and show proper error messages.


Ensures layers of the application interact correctly:

  • Application Interface: Test how the application handles user requests, ensuring smooth processing and clear error messages when something goes wrong.
  • Web Server Interface: Verify that the web server efficiently processes requests, managing traffic without delays or crashes.
  • Database Interface: Ensure the database server returns accurate query results and handles connection issues reliably.


Assesses ease of use for new users. Key checks include:

  • Navigation and Content Clarity: Ensure that the website's navigation is intuitive and easy to follow. Content should be readable with well-structured text, and images must have accurate "alt" text for accessibility.
  • Consistency in Design: Verify that fonts are uniform across the site, text and elements are correctly aligned, and tooltips are clearly visible and informative.
  • Functional and Accessible Elements: Check that all buttons, including the home link, work as intended. Error and confirmation messages should be clear, and the site must display correctly across different screen resolutions while being fully navigable via keyboard.


Checks the database's integrity and performance:

  • Error-Free Queries and Fast Response Times: Ensure that all database queries execute without errors and that they return results quickly.
  • Field Lengths and Data Encryption: Verify that field lengths match specifications and that sensitive data is properly encrypted.
  • Consistency Between Front-End and Back-End Data: Confirm that data displayed on the front-end is consistent with the data stored in the database.


Ensures the application works across various browsers, operating systems, and devices:

  • Display and Functionality Across Different Browsers and OS: Ensure that the website displays correctly and all features work as intended across various browsers (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Safari) and operating systems (e.g., Windows, macOS, Linux).
  • Consistent HTML and JavaScript Functionality: Ensure the website follows HTML standards so it works well across different browsers. Test JavaScript to make sure interactive features and dynamic content behave the same on all supported browsers and operating systems.


Evaluates response times and system behavior under load:

  • Response Times and Speed: Measure how quickly the website responds to user actions and loads content, ensuring fast and smooth performance.
  • Load and Stress Testing: Test the website under different levels of traffic, including peak loads, to ensure it can handle many users without slowing down or crashing.
  • Optimization and Recovery: Apply optimization techniques to improve performance and test how the website recovers from crashes or heavy loads, ensuring stability and reliability.


Identifies and addresses security vulnerabilities:

  • HTTPS and Encryption: Ensure that sensitive data is transmitted over HTTPS, and verify that all sensitive information displayed on the website is encrypted, keeping user data secure.
  • Vulnerability Protection: Protect against SQL injection, manage sessions securely, and hide sensitive info in error messages.
  • Role-Based Access and Logging: Verify that users have the correct role-based access to features and data, and ensure that critical operations are logged for monitoring and security audits.


Quality Assurance (QA) is critical throughout mobile app development, from initial planning to post-release


Before Assembling the app, perform these steps:

  • Identify supported devices and OS versions
  • Select popular device models and additional devices with varied screen sizes


Types of Mobile App Testing


Ensures all app features work as intended. Key checks include:

  • Functionality of mandatory fields and app behavior during calls and SMS handling
  • Support for multitasking, social and payment integrations, and proper scrolling and navigation
  • Performance impact on other apps and resumption after reboot
  • Correct installation, auto-start functionality, and performance across network types
  • Regression testing to detect new bugs


Evaluates app performance under various conditions:

  • Load and Network Performance: Assess how the app performs under different load conditions and network speeds, and evaluate client-server interactions.
  • Identification of bottlenecks and optimization of response times
  • Battery life and performance during network switching
  • Resource Management and Stability: Check battery usage, CPU optimization, and app stability under continuous use and during network switching.


Ensures the app works across different system elements:

  • Network Performance: Test how the app performs with varying network conditions, including while moving and during intermittent connectivity.
  • User Interface Fit: Ensure the app’s interface fits well on different screen sizes and that text remains readable across devices.y
  • Functionality of Calls and Alarms: Verify that the app handles phone calls and alarms correctly, minimizing disruptions and resuming functionality afterward.


Focuses on user-friendliness and intuitive design:

  • Button Size and Placement: Ensure buttons are appropriately sized and placed for easy access. Icons should be used consistently throughout the app to maintain familiarity.
  • Colors and Text Clarity: Check that colors are uniform and text is clear and readable. Provide zoom functionality if needed and ensure text is legible across different screen sizes.
  • User Guidance and Language Support: Include undo options for correcting mistakes and offer a user manual for guidance. Support multiple languages and synchronize app items based on user actions to enhance usability.


Ensures data and network security:

  • Protection Against Attacks: Verify the app is safeguarded against brute force attacks and unauthorized access.
  • Password and Session Security: Ensure strong password rules, proper session management, and protection against SQL injections.
  • Data Storage and Security Checks: Validate certificate use, denial of service protection, and encrypted data storage. Conduct regular security audits.


Tests app recovery from failures:

  • Handling Interruptions and Crashes: Test how the app manages transactions if interruptions occur, like a sudden crash. Ensure it can recover without losing data or causing errors.
  • Power Failure Response: Verify the app's behavior during power failures or when the device shuts down unexpectedly. It should resume properly and maintain data integrity.
  • Reconnection and Data Recovery: Assess how the app reconnects after losing connection and recovers data affected by interruptions. Ensure that it restores the last known state accurately.

Other Important

Additional tests to ensure functionality and stability:

  • Installation and uninstallation efficiency
  • Network performance and keypad functionality
  • Effects of charging, battery performance, and removal
  • Overall impact on device and app side effects



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